For many people, the New Year is a fantastic time to start new habits and to wipe the slate clean of all that has happened in the previous year. This means that each year, countless people will be looking for help about how to make and keep their resolutions, as well as how to celebrate the holiday. So, your blog would need to provide exciting and meaningful content that would help kickstart their year.
Naturally, creating electrifying content to wow your readers is not the simplest of tasks, and at The Content Panel, we understand how difficult this can be. This is the main reason why we created our blog writing services, where our main aim is to ease any blogging-related worries that you may have. One of the many services that we offer is topic suggestions, simply for those days when the creativity isn’t pouring out as efficiently. So, just to get you started, here are some of our most exciting New Years’ topics.
New Year’s Topic Examples
- The Different NYE (New Years Eve) Traditions:
Not every country observes the New Year in the same way. Carry out some research and educate your audience by sharing some of the different celebration styles in various countries.
- NYE Party Themes:
List the best NYE party themes that your audience can use to wow their guests.
- Favorite Travel Destinations From the Previous Year:
If traveling is a big part of your blog, don’t hesitate to bring focus to it even as you enter the new year. Your post should summarize the various hotspots that were visited through the last year, ranking them from worst to best. Additionally, if you have already documented visiting these areas on your blog, then take it a step further and link back to previous posts.
- Places You Will Want to Vacation this Year:
Audiences love blogs where the writers have their fingers on the pulse. Your post should include why you think these areas are going to be hot in the coming year, and why your audience should consider swiping up a ticket to vacation there.
- Best Places to Spend NYE:
Fireworks isn’t all that there is to a great New Years Day. Spark your audience’s creativity by curating a list of places where they will want to spend NYE.
- How to Have a Quiet NYE:
Not all members of your audience will be a fan of the fireworks. Your post should include a list of places that your visitors can have a quiet time while still celebrating the holiday.
- Stunning Outfit Ideas for the New Year:
Provide fashion advice for your audience by creating a list of fabulous New Year outfits that they may want to consider wearing.
- Favorite Looks From the Previous Year:
If your blog is focused on fashion, show your audience the clothes and outfits that excited you in the previous year.
- Outfit Choices for a Cold NYE Celebration:
Curate a list of the best outfit choices for members of your audience celebrating New Year in a cold environment.
- Best Outfits to Jumpstart Your New Workout Routine:
Increased exercise is one of the most popular resolutions. Create a list of the best workout gear that will leave your audience looking amazing as they begin their new workout routine.
- Appetizers to Serve at Your Party:
Some members of your audience may want to throw an NYE party for friends or family. Write about the best appetizers they can serve to guests when they arrive.
- Starting a Meal Plan:
Diet changes are an extremely popular resolution. Help your visitors stick to their commitment by creating a post where you explain how to start a meal plan, and what food options they may want to add.
- Travel Plans:
Write about your different travel plans for the coming year, and make sure to update your audience after visiting a location.
- Recipes For Vegans:
Veganism has seen a constant rise in recent years, and this change mostly requires a complete revamp of your diet. Kickstart your audience’s vegan journey by suggesting new vegan-based meals that they would love.
- The Different Food Traditions of New Years Day:
Certain countries have special meals that they eat on New Years Day. Research the different countries and list out their meals.
- New Years Decor:
This is a helpful post for members of your audience that will be having guests. Ensure that you include links to where they can purchase any decoration items that you suggest.
- Best Books to Read Through Next Year:
Curate a list of books that you think your audience would love to flip through in the coming year. Build engagement by encouraging your visitors to comment on any that you may have missed.
- Movies That You Are Looking Forward to:
Curate a list of the movies that you can’t wait to be released. To help your audience share in your excitement, ensure that you also include links to the trailer of the movies.
- The Best Hobbies to Take On:
There are always people looking to take on hobbies after the start of a new year, and your audience will likely be appreciative of any suggestions that you may have.
- Goals for the Year:
Sharing your goals for the year is one of the best ways to communicate and bond with members of your audience. Your post should include a list of the different plans that you have, why you have this goal, and how you plan to achieve it.
- How I Spent New Years Day:
Whether it was fireworks or a cozy night indoors, share with your audience how you celebrated the holiday. Don’t forget to include any pictures if you took them.
- Romantic NYE Destinations in X City:
Create a series of posts that lists the best places that couples can spend NYE in various cities.
- X Year Review:
Create a post where you review all that went on in your life in the previous year. If you have been running your blog for a long amount of time, you can make this a traditional post that your users can look forward to at the start of each year.
- How to Improve Your Relationships in the Coming Year:
Your post should offer strong advice about how members of your audience can develop any relationships, or fix any falling outs that they may have had in the last year.
- How to Turn Walking Into a Daily Habit:
Explain the importance of walking to your audience and why they should consider walking more in the new year. Your post should offer guidance on how they can integrate walking into their daily lives.
- Gym Membership Deals in the New Year:
Steep prices often deter people from ever trying gyms out, but after the new year, these high prices are often slashed as discounts for new members. Curate a list of these deals and share them with your audience, this should entice a few to sign up.
- Giving Up Junk Food as a Resolution:
This is a popular resolution that several people have. Provide advice on the best way to give up this habit and start healthy eating.
- Things You Wish You Knew One Year Ago:
For most people, the new year represents a time of reflection. Write about the things that you wish that you knew one year ago, and how the different experiences that you had in the previous year taught you these new lessons.
- Drinking More Water in the Coming Year:
This is one of the healthiest habits that people can cultivate. However, it can be easy to forget or stick to. Give the best tips on how to make drinking water a healthy habit.
- Best Workout Programs:
A New Year resolution is only half of the way. Help your audience move towards commitment by sharing some of the best workout guides that you have found.
- Most Common Resolutions:
Certain resolutions are a common theme for people all around the world. List out the most popular New Year resolutions and provide detail about why many people choose to cut them out from their lives, this will be helpful for members of your audience who may not have considered having certain resolutions.
- How to Avoid Indulging Too Much on NYE:
Create a post before the year ends about the best ways to take it slow during the celebrations.
- Maximizing Self-care in the New Year:
Curate a list of the best self-care tips that your audience can follow for better wellness.
- Tips on Sticking to Weight Loss Goals:
It is popular to start the new year heavily committed to losing weight and then slowly lose interest as the days pass, reverting to former bad habits. Provide tips on how your audience can stay dedicated to their weight loss journey.
- How to Celebrate NYE With Children:
Create a post for members of your audience who are parents, offering different ways that they can enjoy the holiday with their children.
- Best New Years Movies or TV Shows for Children:
Write a list of the best New Year-related movies that children would love. If you do include any TV shows, make sure to put the episode that the new year celebrations take place.
- Best Tips on Keeping My Child Up Till Midnight on NYE:
While some children may be eager to see the midnight fireworks, they can easily fall asleep before then and wake up disappointed. Offer advice on how to make sure your children stay awake for the firework show.
- How to Dress Up Your Pet For New Years Day:
Write a list of the best tips for dressing up your pet for New Years Day celebrations.
- Getting Your Kids Back on their Regular Schedule:
Parents that have allowed their children to stay up for the firework activities will likely want their children to get back to their regular sleeping schedule, but this is no simple task. Offer advice on the best ways that this can be done.
- Games for Children:
Curate a list of the best games that children can play on New Years Day.
- Top Recipes from Last Year:
Create a list of the best recipes that you enjoyed during the previous year. Your post should go into detail about how you prepared the meal and encourage your audience to share the results of their attempts at replicating your recipe.
- Fashion Predictions:
Share your predicted fashion trends for the next year. Your audience will be appreciative of you helping them to get ahead of these movements.
- Skincare Routine Suggestions For the New Year:
If you have an effective skincare routine, don’t hesitate to share it with your audience. Your post should list out what they will need to do daily to see results as well as what products they will need to purchase.
- Singles Trip:
You don’t have to be in a relationship to enjoy the new year. Create a post where you write about the best places that members of your audience can visit on NYE while single.
- Best Tropical Destinations to Cross Over Into the New Year:
Not everyone is fond of the early January cold, and would rather spend their holiday in a warmer region. Share a list of the best tropical destinations that members of your audience can spend New Years Day.
- Sticking to Your New Year Resolutions:
Some people struggle to stick to resolutions despite making self-promises. Write about the main reasons for this and offer guidance on the different ways that people can remain committed through the entire course of the year.
- NYE Party Games:
Curate a list of the most common games that people play during New Year parties.
- Start Fresh With This Essential Cleaning Guide:
Your post should list all the items that your audience would need to clean up their home, as well as where they can purchase the items.
- Family Resolutions:
Curate a list of the most popular new year resolutions that families can make together.
- Family Activities:
Write about some of the popular activities that families partake in during their New Year celebrations.
50 More New Year’s Related Blog Post Ideas
- Best Blogs of the Previous Year.
- How to Keep Track of Your Resolutions.
- New Years Snacks for Your Children.
- Celebrating New Year’s day With Teenagers.
- Top 5 New Years Festivals.
- Your New Year Resolution.
- How to Celebrate New Years While Away From Home.
- New Year Destinations That Focus on Family Friendliness.
- Makeup Suggestions For Your New Year Party.
- Top Makeup Trends of the Previous Year.
- Best Fashion Suggestions for a Warm NYE.
- Top Recipes Your New Year Party Guests Would Love.
- Throwing an Extravagant Dinner Party to Celebrate New Years Day.
- Preparing a Casual NYE Dinner.
- New Year Party Gifts that Your Hosts Would Appreciate.
- Top Shoe Suggestions for Your New Years Party.
- Top 5 Makeup Looks to Try in the Coming Year.
- Top 5 Fashion Fails of the Previous Year.
- Upcoming Designers That Are Going to Blow Up Big in the Coming Year.
- Don’t Eat These X Foods on New Year’s Day.
- Teach Your Kids One of These X Crafts and Activities in the Coming Year.
- Should You Bring Your Kids to a New Year Party?
- Best Movies To Watch on New Years Day.
- Best TV Shows to Binge on New Year’s Eve.
- How to Spend New Year’s Eve With a Newborn Baby.
- Try These X Healthy Habits in the New Year.
- Best Exercises.
- How New Year Celebrations Have Changed Over the Years.
- Run a Q&A Session.
- What Happened in X industry in the Previous Year.
- Why the New Year is the Best Time for a Mindset Change.
- How to Finish Your First Ever 5K run.
- Try These X Tips When Starting Your Meal Prep Journey.
- Best Dinner Recipes to Use in the Coming Year.
- Best Books of the Previous Year.
- Best Movies of the Previous Year.
- Try Out These Music Playlists for Your NYE Party.
- How To Set Up Your Table for Your Dinner Party.
- Throwing the Perfect NYE Wedding.
- Top X New Years Quotes.
- How to Create a Yearly Calendar.
- Online Courses to Start in the New Year.
- What To Do Before The Year is Over.
- Your Favorite TV Shows of the Previous Year.
- Fun Winter Activities.
- Offer Free New Year Printables.
- Best Apps That You Discovered in the Previous Year.
- Create a New Years Day Challenge For Your Audience.
- How to Form New, Healthy Habits.
- Interview a Guest About their New Year Plans.