
Our Top 50 March Blog Post Topic Ideas (With Guides)

Blog Post Ideas

March is rearing its head around the corner and along with that spring will soon come. If you don’t already have your March blog post topics ready, it might be a good idea to start looking for solid blog entries, that can increase your online presence, around this point.

Fortunately, we have some interesting events taking place in March that can serve as decent blog post ideas, and there is also the arrival of spring that can be used for inspiration. Alternatively, we have also gathered amazing 50 March blog posts ideas that you can use for your blog right away.

  1. March 8 is International Women’s Day. 

International Women’s Day is a global celebration of women’s achievements, and this special day can be used to showcase the women that make your business thrive.

  1. First Friday in March is Employee Appreciation Day. 

A post that serves as a way to appreciate your employees can be well received by your readers. Alternatively, you can create a post that highlights the work of an individual employee.

  1. March Brings Daylight Saving. 

Daylight Saving affects everyone in the world and creating a post regarding the event can create goodwill among your more oblivious readers.

  1. March 17 is St. Patrick’s Day. 

Holidays can be particularly useful for business blogs to create posts for since readers want to see personality behind a business. Create a blog post that ties in your business to St. Patrick’s Day in a humorous way.

  1. International Day of Awesomeness. 

While this may sound like a made-up day, it’s actually celebrated on the 10th of March. Feel free to write a post that celebrates how awesome your business is.

  1. March 21 is the First Day of Spring. 

The start of spring is a big deal, especially for businesses, since spring is normally thought of as the time for renewal. There really is no limit to how you can combine spring with your business activities.

  1. 3rd Wednesday of March Companies that Care Day. 

This day is a celebration of companies that care about the well-being of their employees. Write a post that explains the ways your company cares about its employees.

  1. March 31 is Easter. 

Easter is a major holiday in the world, and it’s easy to create a post that focuses on this for your blog.

  1. March 15 is Everything You Think is Wrong Day. 

This day recognizes that not everything will go alright and that everyone will have a bad day once in a while. Create a post that explains to readers how your business can save them from those by days by providing a service or product.

  1. March 16 is Everything You Do is Right Day. 

Everything is Right Day is another March celebration, but the twist here is that this day is meant to be used for celebrating a good day. It should be fairly easy to apply your niche to this type of topic.

  1. March 26 is Make Your Own Holiday Day. 

There really isn’t much to say on this one as it’s self-explanatory. March 26 offers anyone the opportunity to declare and celebrate their own holidays. Feel free to create a blog post of a holiday you created.

  1. March 9 is Organize Your Home Office Day. 

March 9 is celebrated by organizing home offices, it’s not the most exciting celebration, but it can make for an excellent guide. Provide your readers with an informative guide that lists everything needed to start organizing their home offices.

  1. March 31 is World Backup Day. 

A strange thing to give a day to, but there is not much to complain about here. Give your readers a kind reminder to create a backup for anything important and be sure to share what type of backup services you use for your business and blog.

  1. How To Start Your Spring Cleaning Early. 

Spring cleaning is one of the activities that people focus on during March, and this can be easily used to produce a decent blog post that can link to your business activities.

  1. Trending Social Media Topics for March. 

Create a post that goes over any trending social media topics that can be associated with your business. This could tie into any products or services your business is affiliated with.

  1. March News for Your Industry. 

Has your industry seen any new trends or news during March? You can write a post that explains to your readers what exactly is going on with your business.

  1. March Roundup Post. 

You can write a roundup post that compiles the most relevant things that occurred with your business during the month of March.

  1. March New Growth in Business. 

Seeing as March and spring are both times of renewal, you can inform your readers of the new growth your business has seen.

  1. Business Challenges That Your Business Found in March. 

March does sometimes come like a lion, and it might interest your readers to know what type of unique obstacles March might have brought to your business.

  1. March Additions to The Team. 

If you happened to add someone to your staff during the month of March, then you might be able to write a blog that introduces that staff member to your readers and provides some insight into what you look for in employees.

  1. Successes of March. 

With renewal comes some form of success, so be sure to write a blog post that goes over any success you found in the month of March. Customers want to associate themselves with a brand they see as successful, so don’t hold back in the details for your readers.

  1. March Influencer Roundups. 

Create a roundup blog post that goes over any achievements that influencers in your niche have done in the month of March.

  1. March Analysis Report. 

Give your readers a solid, but understandable analysis report on how your business has improved for the month. This can be a flex post that should detail how your company was able to increase x profit during the month of March.

  1. March Website Changes. 

With the coming of spring, it’s not unusual for change to come, and so you should create a blog post that explains any changes to your website that will affect the UI.

  1. March Awards. 

Awards can be either to your business or from it. Awards are something to be proud of, and there is no shame in showing off an award your business received during March.

  1. March Webinar Release. 

A webinar is a fantastic opportunity to build your email list while showcasing your business, so if you created or plan to create a webinar during March, let your readers know.

  1. March Industry Events. 

Did you attend any industry event that your readers might have not? Then don’t leave them in the dark and provide them with some highlights of the event.

  1. March Company Events. 

Will your company be hosting any workshops during March? If so, then you should create a list for your readers ahead of time in the form of a blog post.

  1. How Product/Service Help Customers During March. 

Create a post with the testimonial of a customer who found your business helpful during March.

  1. March Marketing Campaign Study. 

Use your last marketing campaign to create a case study and share the results with your readers. If your campaign was a success, then your readers will be ecstatic to replicate your campaign.

20 More March Blog Post Ideas

We have gathered 20 more March blog post ideas in case the above were not enough for you:

  1. Looking for a way into your industry during March guide.
  2. Live updates for March conference.
  3. How SEO has changed for the month of March.
  4. Customer survey and results for March.
  5. Best March podcasts for your niche.
  6. March’s most useful tools for your business.
  7. March public speaking.
  8. Compare against competitor’s new March services.
  9. March shipping delays or news.
  10. March social media presence improvements.
  11. Best March books in your industry.
  12. March industry research results.
  13. March case study on customer service.
  14. Curate the best content in your niche for the month of March.
  15. March makeover for company image.
  16. Best March additions to online resources for your customers.
  17. March stats in your industry that are relevant to your readers.
  18. Red Cross month.
  19. Irish American Heritage Month.
  20. Social Worker’s Month.