
Our Top 50 August Blog Post Topic Ideas (With Guides)

Blog Post Ideas

Blogging is an opportunity for companies to humanize themselves; make themselves seem relatable. From a marketing perspective, it is paramount that a good blog is established. Every month comes with their respective hosts of unique topics to choose from; August is no different. Readers will expect topical content when visiting your blog which understandably can not only be hard, but time-consuming. Not only this, drawing traffic to your site can only be done through a consistent stream of content. It can be intimidating, but this is why you can always rely on our blog writing services to supplement your blog with the quality content you deserve.

  1. Host a guest post

Invite guests to post about their experiences in August.  Have them discuss how they are going to spend their August.

  1. Update old blog posts

Do you have any obsolete blog posts that need revamping? The best time to do so is always now—start by going through your old blog posts.

  1. Write about National Book Lovers Day (9th August)

This holiday encourages reading and literature. It is the perfect opportunity to recommend books and such to readers and to urge them to comment on their favorite book. Doing this will add a sense of involvement to readers.

  1. Enter a blog about Left-Handers Day (13th August)

Write interesting facts about Left-Handers Day; statistics, ratios, and other compelling pieces of information will help titillate the reader and prompt them to read on.

  1. National Breastfeeding Month

Talk about facts involving breastfeeding, celebrating it—if your business sells any maternal products, take advantage of this by offering a discount on items.

  1. Black Business Month

Discuss the history behind Black Business Month and use this opportunity to support Black-Owned businesses. You can also have discounts on products made by Black-Owned businesses.

  1. National Golf Month

Write about golf and the history behind this celebration. You can also either offer discounts on golf-related products or partner up to offer coupons on golf expenditure.

  1. Write about World Photo Day (19th August)

It would not be proper to have a blog post like this without a plethora of photos. You can take original photos or utilize stock images from sites such as Adobe or Shutterstock. Another suggestion would be to hold a competition for readers to submit their best-taken photos; the winner gets a coupon or voucher of sorts.

  1. Talk about Women’s Equality Day (26th August)

Write about women in the workplace; you can include stories from your workplace.

  1. Blog about going back to school

School is a hot topic in August—take advantage of this by writing about it. Hold discounts on school-related products, and advertise them on the blog post.

  1. Friendship Day (2nd August)

Talk about what Friendship Day means, and relate it to your business. Making your business seem friendlier will make potential customers want to interact with you more.

  1. National Relaxation Day (15th August)

Write about relaxation tips and the importance of relaxing. If you own/sell any leisure facilities/products, advertise them and encourage readers to use/buy them.

  1. Post about Elvis Presley Week

You can talk about Elvis Presley and his impact on the entertainment industry. Hold a poll on his most popular songs.

  1. Talk about World Humanitarian Day (19th August)

Write about humanitarian workers, celebrating them. Share inspirational stories about them and perhaps hold a donation drive dedicated to humanitarian work. This will improve your social image.

  1. Enter a blog about Senior Citizens Day (21st August)

Invoke memories about readers’ senior family members through relatable stories and anecdotes. Reach out to local senior centers to see if you can sponsor or facilitate an event; invite readers to come along.

  1. August is also National Inventor’s Month

Talk about ingenuity in human history, and use this opportunity to talk about smart designs in products that you sell.

  1. Recap on events that may have occurred during summer

Has your company done anything interesting/noteworthy over the summer? If so, talk about them. You can also ask readers about what they have done over the summer through comments.

  1. National Just Because Day (27th August)

This is an exceptionally flexible topic to write about. You can hold an event, give away vouchers, or even tell jokes (just because). Whichever the case may be, ensure that you make it enjoyable.

  1. Write about Tell a Joke Day (16th August)

This is a quirky topic and largely depends on the image your company is going for. You can include a compilation of jokes, and ask readers to submit their funniest jokes, with the winner winning a voucher.

  1. National Dog Day (26th August)

Write about dogs of all kinds, and discuss their impact on their owners’ lives. Hold a giveaway for dog products, with a form included to enter the giveaway.

  1. Blog about Girlfriends Day (1st August)

You can take this opportunity to celebrate both romantic and platonic girlfriends.  Offer suggestions on gifts, and put up appropriate links to said products.

  1. National Wellness Month

Talk about wellness tips focusing on self-care, and reducing stress. Creative marketing can be put in place here, for example, encouraging readers to treat themselves by purchasing some of your products.

  1. Eat Outside Day (31st August)

If you are a restaurant or eatery, you can start by talking about the significance of eating outside; entice readers with tantalizing descriptions and discounts. If not, you can partner up with nearby food establishments.

  1. Write about Sons and Daughters Day (11th August)

Talk about the importance of children, and make it an opportunity for parents to treat their kids with gifts. Offer limited discounts on toys and games suited for their children.

  1. National Dollar Day (8th August)

You can write about the history of the dollar with interesting facts to go along with it.  You can also offer dollar-off products, or even offer cheap products for a dollar each, making it thematically appropriate.

  1. American Family Day (First Sunday in August)

What is the importance of family? Why is it important? Be sure to answer these in your post.

  1. Red Wine Day (28th August)

Hold a panel and discuss the most appropriate pairings with red wine.

  1. Bacon Lover’s Day (20th August)

Write fun facts about bacon, and allure readers with expressive adjectives. If you are a food establishment, it would be propitious to offer bacon-themed food.

  1. Write about National Eye Exam Month

Talk about the history of this holiday, and discuss the importance of maintaining good eye health.

  1. Shapewear Day (10th August)

Talk about the effects of shapewear, and how it can be beneficial to one’s physique.

20 More August Blog Post Ideas

Listed below are more topic ideas for August.

  1. Secondhand Wardrobe Day (25th August)
  2. National Thrift Shop Day (17th August)
  3. Nonprofit Day (17th August)
  4. Global Sleep Under The Stars Night (8th August)
  5. Purple Heart Day (7th August)
  6. Post about National Aviation Day (19th August)
  7. Grab Some Nuts Day (3rd August)
  8. Enter a blog about Underwear Day (5th August)
  9. International Mahjong Day (1st August)
  10. Grief Awareness Day (30th August)
  11. National Sisters Day (First Sunday in August)
  12. Lazy Day (10th August)
  13. Be Kind to HumandKind Week
  14. Talk about International Clown Week
  15. Toasted Marshmellow Day (30th August)
  16. Enter a blog about Respect for Parents Day (1st August)
  17. Write about Professional Speakers Month
  18. Financial Awareness Day (14th August)
  19. International Beer Day (8th August)
  20. World Elephant Day (12th August)