Fitness Copywriting Services
Hire Fitness Writers That Go The Extra Mile!
- Fitness content writing services from $3.40+!
- 100% original, conversion-optimized content!
- Health & fitness copywriters with industry experience!
Jill Sullivan, Writer,
@ The Content Panel
Meet our world class fitness content writing services
Team Leaders
Your dedicated content manager will handle the details to ensure the optimal quality of every order every time.
Smart Logistics
Find the perfect writer for your ideal content with assistance from Panel Brain; a learning algorithm of our own design!
Originality: ✔
Part of our regimen is to cross-check every piece of outgoing material for plagiarism against everything documented online. Everything.
Every completed order will flex SEO hard so that your content ranks high on applicable search results consistently!
Muscle Memory
Our fitness writers are all genuine experts in their respective niches. The real experience is made clear with every order.
Attractively Priced
Hire fitness writers, hire health writers, or hire sports writers for as low as $3.40 per 100 words! Our value is unmatched.
Our Regimen Is Simple And It Works
Let’s Make Gains!
Every good thing you do in life starts with number one! You bring your great idea to us with a general direction in which you’d like to see it go. With that little bit of information we’ll let Panel Brain (Our custom matchmaking AI) do what he does best; match you with your ideal writer based on the subject matter, content type, desired delivery tone, and any other variable you can ask him to factor into his matching process.
With the order well underway your writer will complete the work without breaking a sweat, and since Panel Brain is a master of his craft we’re certain you’re going to love every sentence of the finished product. Rarely does he snap himself up and make a bad match between client and writer, but it does happen. Should this occur there’s an easy fix; simply request amendments, or at the very worst you may reject the writer entirely in favor of having the work rewritten. This is all at no extra cost of course!
Putting In Work
How does a free personal trainer sound? We offer the next best thing; a free dedicated content manager to oversee the production of all your orders! It’s their job to ensure your satisfaction by making sure you receive the highest quality of writing and nothing less.
When a writer submits a finished order it’s sent to your content manager who then verifies that it meets all of the requested criteria from your personalized briefing. Assuming that it does the content manager then runs the plagiarism checks on the order to guarantee that no copied content was utilized. After the first round of cross-checks, it is subjected to the Copyscape test which verifies the originality even more intensely.
All factors accounted for, discrepancies mitigated, and every bit of originality verified, the content is approved by the content manager as high quality and is then ready to be considered the final product! This is when your order makes it full circle and comes back to number one for the most crucial part of the entire process!
The Final Payoff
At this point, the order is ready to be viewed by you! Everything till now has happened without you ever seeing the content and for good reason! You’ll be notified of the completion and prompted to give it your stamp of approval. Without a doubt, you’ll be completely astounded by the finished product!
Maybe the writer missed a small detail such as a call to action (which would be quality controlled if it was in the briefing), no biggie! Just request an amendment with a personalized note to the writer so that you can tell them exactly the way you want it! This time when the final copy gets to you it’ll be in the best shape you can imagine.
Let’s take a hypothetical jog down “never in life” street where your content manager just so happened to let every one of the writer’s mistakes through their diligent grasp. You have the option to drop the writer entirely or have them rewrite the order infinitely at no extra cost!
- Jessica Hill,
@ The Content Panel
Our Fitness Content Writing Services Are Jacked!
No Pulling Punches
Industry Relevant Experience Is Vital
We’ve all seen it while reading an article or worse yet a piece of informational literature, and the writer has no background in the subject matter. You may point out obvious mistakes or shake your head when noticing that detrimental facts are foregone. This is the result of writers hastily piecing together content from tidbits of research into an industry that they are unfamiliar with.
It’s painful to witness and quite embarrassing for whoever the writer represents. To avoid this catastrophic occurrence happening to our clients we ensure that all of our writers are thoroughly equipped with tangible real-world experience to back up their literary prowess. This makes all the difference if you want content that has true genuineness written by a true expert in the health & fitness industry.
The alternative is to risk presenting ill-informed, uneducated, and otherwise unprofessional content to those who count on you for exactly the opposite! In the health & fitness world bad information could very well get people injured, poisoned, or worse!
Don’t hire fitness writers with no calluses; experience matters!
Clean SEO With Every Repetition
We’ve been working our core with SEO since before we were what you see today! Before the construction and evolution of The Content Panel, we were a content management service with one focus: to give clientele a boosted ranking on applicable searches according to every variable we could feasibly influence. Not long after realizing that our services were producing page one results at consistent rates we opted to expand our horizons.
Built from the ground up on a solid slab foundation of SEO best practices we continue to give our clientele what we’ve always provided and more! Authoritative content which masterfully exploits keywords comfortably and in correct contexts, proper link-building usage techniques to connect local and external pages of relevance, and even mitigation of toxins to avoid being penalized or removed from searches altogether.
You might say our entire philosophy was born from a purebred SEO pedigree! It’s in our genetics to produce only the most favorable content by search engine standards. It may not grant you page one results overnight, but if you allow us to ensure optimal content regularly you’ll be astounded by the increased activity on your Analytics!
Every Order Fits Perfectly
When content is duplicated and used multiple places online it’s counterproductive for many reasons. Firstly, it’s just plain wrong and in some cases illegal. Secondly, Google and other search engines loathe duplicated content. When a search turns up two similar works the search engine is most likely to ignore the newest one because it’s probably copied content!
You can start your resting phase knowing that we never copy anything from anywhere else but our minds and your suggestions. This is made certain by the content managers that will facilitate quality control for every one of your orders. They’ll begin by pursuing the order to ensure it fits your criterion fully and that it doesn’t have any grammar or punctuation errors. Then they begin the plagiarism and Copyscape tests which will do two things: verify that the content has no similarities to any licensed content, and verifies that there are few to no similarities to any content on the internet at all! With a tolerance of about four consecutive words or phrases.
We Can Take The Criticism
So you got your order in, and it’s time to look it over for final approval; which is always an exciting moment! Everything looks great except for the call-to-action toward the end. Maybe you wanted it a little more personal and it comes off as generalized for everyone. Simply use the amendments form to send a message to the writer directly addressing any and all issues you may have with the order.
You can highlight specific parts that need amends, and/or leave direct comments to give very specific instructions! Not to worry, the writer will take it all constructively and will make it happen just as you request. We’re ok with being critiqued; no harm, no foul!
With the call-to-action now personalized for a specific audience, you’ll receive the order one more time for verification, and this time around you’ll be ecstatic to see your requests fulfilled in full. Note that amendments will never cost a penny above the original price even if you request them all day every day!
It’s Not You, It’s Us…
We have the utmost confidence in every writer we have the opportunity to work with, and they all have proven themselves capable of providing top-shelf content. However, sometimes it’s just a bad fit. For one reason or another, there may be writers with styles or deliveries that you just aren’t fond of. If this should occur you have a few options that may alleviate your concern.
You may have the writer completely rewrite the content from start to finish under more direct instruction; facilitated by you. If you choose this route, the same writer will be rewriting the order similar to an amendment.
Another option is that you may reject the writer entirely and have a new writer write an entirely new order from scratch. No matter which serves you best, we’re here to make your optimal content come to life, no matter what it takes! All for no extra charge! Either way, don’t forget to let Panel Brain know why you wanted the rewrite so he’ll make better matches in the future!
Keeping It Real
One of the most important things a company, business, or organization must adhere to is its branding. Remaining consistent in the presentation of values, voice, and view is essential to keeping an image that people can grow to know and love! For that reason, we are always on-brand when it comes to filling orders for those who would need this type of attentiveness to detail.
We’ll take your previously established “voice” which your audience is already familiar with, and convey it without missing a beat so that no one will ever be concerned about genuineness! If perhaps you haven’t established a concrete brand that you wish to convey; no problem! Just tell us what you would like your company’s tone to sound like, what demeanor you wish to exhibit, and what style of writing suits your desired image best; we’ll handle the rest!
Once you receive the completed order and look it over for final approval you may be convinced that you wrote it yourself!
Well-balanced health & fitness copywriting services!
No hidden fees.
No nasty surprises.
Just great content.
Hiring Fitness Writers Works Out
Our Legwork Keeps You Ready For Leg Day!
- Mark Bell
@ The Content Panel
It takes years of scouting to build the diverse inventory of astounding writers that we have. It takes vetting, testing, training, and much verve to make it into our ranks. This is only after a prospective writer can verify their industry expertise. After all, what use is a pen without ink?
What our unique concept offers to our clients is an endless self-filtering line of writers who are guaranteed to be versed in their respective fields. We carry the weight of looking for the perfect freelance health & fitness writers so that you don’t have to sift through anything other than completed orders.
The Content Panel scouts have captured remarkable talent from gyms, health food markets, dojos, physical therapists, recreation centers, and even locally while taking hikes and jogs of their own! By verifying each talent as top tier in their skill set we ensure that every order will be a reflection of our values.
Pound for pound, we offer the best health & fitness copywriters for hire at the very best prices you’re ever likely to find! They’ve dominated our literary Iron Man to arise victorious among the more than 3000 writers efficiently at your disposal.
They’re all waiting to spot you, and they can hold the weight!
Energized to create any content; no matter the task!
Yes… Any content.
If your website is newly launched, congratulations! That’s a huge step forward in making a name for your business and getting it noticed by the audience you’re aiming for! Perhaps it’s missing something essential that needs to be rectified such as an immersive disclaimer or privacy policy. It may be as simple as a captivating mission statement, or persuasive landing page just like the one you’re reading right now!
No worries if your site has been around for a while; if it involves written website content for any purpose we’re ready and fully capable of writing it all. With just a few details from you, we can make your pages come to life with top-shelf content that you, your audience, and especially Google will love!
Whether it happens to be for your dojo, gym, fitness magazine, or athletic apparel shop, we know exactly how to whip that website into shape fast. Don’t miss out on potential customers due to a lack of meaningful website content! Give us the torch, and we’ll guarantee to illuminate your web pages.
Click here to learn more about our website content writing services.
Blogging has come quite a long way from being just a digital diary with a following. For businesses and marketing, it is an essential tool that can’t be forgotten if success is to be achieved. Even if your blog does happen to fit the criteria for a personal blog there’s no shame in that at all, and if you have something to say there is no better way to say it!
Sometimes it can be near impossible to come up with magnetic blog post ideas or develop content for a post idea that you may already have in the works; that’s where we come in! What do you need? Insightful material regarding holistic healing? History about the specific martial arts that your dojo teaches? Tips on how to maintain proper form with every rep? We can help you write it!
For a little bit of reassurance before jumping in head first feel free to check out our blog here at The Content Panel! You may even find a few health & fitness gems in the mix.
Do you pitch your ideas to media outlets, magazines, online news websites, or any similar organizations simply to never see a reply? Have your website or news media and lack applicable filler? Our website content is outstanding, but if you need a little more than just landing pages we’re happy to oblige!
Articles are the general mass of content that you read online on a day-to-day basis. It’s the “Best Ways To Stay In Shape Through Winter!” or “Cut These Foods From Your Diet!” headlines that can be considered article content. Those irresistible titles with juicy information, life hacks, current know-how, or listicles are the ones that gain the most attention from readers. Our writers know how to hit the mark with articles every single time!
For up-to-date information regarding sports teams, or leagues you’ll want to hire sportswriters who know a thing or two about the game. If that happens to be in the ballpark of something you need then hire sportswriters from us to hit home runs with every order.
Click here to learn more about our article writing services.
Our health & fitness copywriters for hire do much more than creating persuasive dialogue and push call-to-action statements in hopes of converting possible sales. They convert sales, gain consumers, and attract prospective audiences by creating resoundingly persuasive copy that is laced with the most desirable call-to-action content that you may ever ingest. We don’t just convince people that a product or service is good for them, we tell them exactly why they can’t afford to be without the service or product in question.
By knowing the consumer base that is being targeted our writers will hone in on the very instinct of the audience to keep their place at the top of the food chain. In this industry, it helps to be as honest as possible while being knowledgeable and still converting sales. Let us facilitate that combination for you!
After using our well-developed fitness copy to bring sales into your health food store, sports equipment storefront, or any other applicable retail business, you’ll never want to have copy written anywhere else!
Digital media is growing in ways that can alleviate some very difficult obstacles that were once impossible for some to overcome. Take for instance e-books! It may sound like just another piece of the internet-sales bravado, but in just a short amount of time, you could have an entire book written, completed with a cover (front and back) edited, and published all based on the ideas that you wanted to implement in the literature you simply can’t find time to write.
It could be as simple as giving us the honor of using your invaluable ideas to craft the book you dream of writing! Have no worries about creative control, because when you hire us to fulfill such a task you retain complete control from start to finish. Not one chapter goes into it without your approval, no exceptions!
Since the internet is constantly being asked questions about any given subject, it’s only a short matter of time before your book is gaining readers, fans, and testimonies to the sheer genius behind such ideal perspectives!
If you find it somewhat difficult to maintain up-to-date contact about important events, deals, promotions, or even opportunities that you wish to extend to your subscribers or members this is the perfect answer to that dilemma! Your gym members need to know about the health risks of not keeping the gym clean during and after every visit, newsletters will remind them! Students and parents at your dojo need to be granted a notice of a temporary change of location due to construction, this content gives you a way to let them all know at the same time!
There are ways to simplify many aspects of business, or advertising through email, and though some may consider emailing a dead form of contact this is a misconception of utilization. Even if you only use your email for signing in, when you get an email from your teacher, your dietician, or trainer; you check it immediately, right? This is why email newsletters are a prime way to keep in contact for reasons urgent or menial.
We’re a full-service content writing agency. So there’s not much we can’t write (within reason).
Here are some of the other content writing services that we offer:
- Webpages
- Ebooks
- White papers
- Press Releases
- Email newsletters
- Ghostwriting
- Reviews
- Technical writing
- And more…
Want to see what we can do?
Frequently asked questions
Ask us anything.
Why is it important that I work with health & fitness content writers who know about the fitness industry?
It’s quite simple; if you want your content to be knowledgeable, genuine, factually correct, and relevant then you want to hire the type of writer who will produce content exhibiting the best of all of the aforementioned qualities. This is especially true for the health & fitness industry due to the incredibly high risk of injury and/or detriment to one’s overall well-being!
If for instance, you want an order written detailing the most useful health supplements on the market, naturally you’d want a writer who will provide exactly that information and nothing less. Hiring someone who just does some basic research beforehand can get pretty sketchy, if say, they stumble across a list of supplements that are potentially harmful but they have no idea.
Or perhaps you want an article about weightlifting but it ends up written by someone who doesn’t know what a preacher bar is… You get the idea. Content written by experts is content worth reading! At The Content Panel, we never assign a writer outside of their level of expertise and this is why.
What kind of fitness experience do your writers have?
The vastness of erudite knowledge that our writers contain is staggering. There are endless amounts of experts who hail from every niche and field imaginable, including our inventory or health & fitness writers. Just to name a few offhand, we can boast nutritionists, dieticians, martial arts masters from every international style, personal trainers, coaches, gym owners, competition bodybuilders, athletes of every single kind from many different leagues (even a few professional), health food experts, yoga instructors, pilates instructors, dance instructors, physical education teachers, sports physicians, kinesiologists, holistic healers, fitness magazine editors, and employees, extreme sports athletes, acupuncturists, chiropractors, neurologists, and pretty much any other health-related expert you can imagine… Even high school health teachers!
It’s no wonder so many clients have been returning customers of ours, and no wonder so many of our writers have requests for content to be written directly!
What kind of fitness content should I write?
This depends entirely on your intention for the content, the type of business you have (if applicable), and who your audience is. Let’s assume you have a website that lacks any sort of content at all; the logical decision would be to utilize our web content services. Perhaps you have landing pages written for your site but need factual, relevant, juicy articles to fill the sections where current news should be; then inquire about our article content!
Businesses need blogs and that is always a good bet if you wish to connect with your audience and allow them to rest easy knowing that you are knowledgeable in your field. This also grants you a leg up with search engines when they search for credible authoritative content!
Need to convert sales and make your products known to the fitness world? Our copywriting services will gift your audience with the type of copy that most businesses dream of having! Informative product descriptions followed up with call-to-action statements that will have them needing whatever you’re selling!
How much do freelance health & fitness writers cost?
We believe in spreading the wealth, and we’re wealthy in ways that ascend that of monetary foundations. Our wealth is in words, expertise, and value overall! Our health & fitness content starts at a low $3.40 per 100 words and decreases as more content is applied. So the more you have written here at The Content Panel, the less you end up paying!
Also keep in mind that you have infinite reworks, amendments, your very own content manager, access to Panel Brain, and any of our services all at the same low price! When compared to many other content providers it’s astounding that they even maintain clientele with us in the biz!