
Buy Unique Articles

Buy unique articles, without breaking the bank...

  • Buy unique articles from $3.40 / 100 words 
  • 100% original, Copyscape passed, unique articles
  • Unique content written, custom written, just for you

"Jill is a Frank Sinatra superfan, a sales copywriter, and a mango smoothie aficionado - in that order."
Jill Sullivan, Article Writer,
@ The Content Panel

Here's why hundreds of brands buy our unique articles

100% Original Content

We guarantee that every order is one-of-a-kind! Content made just for you, only for you, with absolutely no chance of plagiarism or resold content! Ever!


Guaranteed Copyscape Tested

Search engines hate duplicate content, which is exactly why everything we produce is Copyscape tested to protect against any possibility of plagiarism or repeat content.

Free Rewrites/Rejections

If for any reason you’re not satisfied with the work, have it rewritten until you love it, as many times as you’d like, completely FREE of charge!

Buy In Bulk

Buy unique blog articles in bulk without any hidden costs or extra fees! Our services start at a low of $3.40 /100 words and decrease with bulk discounts!



Since our birth as an SEO agency, we’ve been steeped in the science of ranking high on search engines. It’s always been what we do!

Real-World Expertise

We comprise thousands of writers and editors who are all erudite in their respective fields. Ensuring that your content comes from experience!

Bringing Ideas To Life!

Allow us to elaborate:

"Jess loves reading, writing, and talking about herself in the third person"
- Jessica Hill,
Article Writer,
@ The Content Panel

Buy unique articles that work as hard as you do.

100% original custom written articles from just $3.40 / 100 words.

No hidden fees.
No nasty surprises.
Just great content.

We’re Not Just Professionals, We’re Also Experts!

Quantifying quality

"Meet the only digital marketer in Seattle who won't put 'social media guru' on his LinkedIn profile".
- Mark Bell
Article Writer
@ The Content Panel

Without the fantastic hard-working writers that we have in our talent pool, none of this would be possible. It’s those artists, and those sticklers for details that create the content, which brings your awesome ideas to fruition!

Our scouts are combing every frontier of the internet and more, to find the best writers from every possible industry. When they’re found, it’s only a matter of getting them to pass our qualifier before they start creating world-class content!

This qualifier entails nine parts, each designed to filter out those that might be mistaken as phenomenal. By the end of the qualifying entrance exam, most of those who applied will have failed. Some will have given up. The remainder is given access to our ranks!

Through consistent top-notch unique article writing and on the proving grounds of dedicated originality, a writer may shed their probationary period to begin earning mutual trust and internal ranking points.

Points given or rescinded will determine the overall skill of the writer, granting higher-paying jobs and chances to work directly for The Content Panel!

All in all, we’re more than proud of those we call our team!
We are without a doubt the best in the business. You’ll see!

SEO Gene Pool

We’re Built On SEO!

Want to see what we can do?

Frequently asked questions

Ask us anything.

Why is it important to buy unique articles?

As we mentioned previously, search engines despise duplicate content, especially Google! When you buy unique articles, you are ensuring that search engines take your content seriously. This one-step, by itself, can boost your SEO ranking significantly!

The alternative is that you copy someone’s work and try to use it for your own, or you write something dangerously similar to someone else. When a search takes place (let’s say on Google), the search engine uses key terms from the search (among many other things) to decide which websites to bring to the top of the list. If you have content on your page that is similar enough for Google to consider it a match to another, it will use the oldest version of that content, if it decides to use it at all!

How do you protect against plagiarism?

Every order made for you will undergo a rigorous series of plagiarism checks before you ever even lay eyes on the content! It all begins with a finished product submitted by a writer, where a manual review is conducted by your content manager, who knows a thing or two about catching these discrepancies.

Then after they’re satisfied with the originality of the work, they pass it along to the automated plagiarism checks, which will run it against all of the copyrighted material on the internet!

It’s that simple! We take care of all of the intricacies so that you don’t have to!

Will people be able to tell that you wrote my articles?

Not even remotely. The tone you aim to convey will be a considerable factor into which writers you are matched with. Our writers are also pros when it comes to blending in! With a URL to follow, they’ll analyze the feel, style, and tone of your already existing content, to keep it as natural as possible!
All of our writers are also bound by a contractual agreement that we may never attempt to claim any sold material produced by us at any time. Once it’s yours, it’s yours to do with as you’d like. From that moment on, we can no longer claim that we wrote it.

How much do your unique articles cost?

All of our content starts at $3.40 / 100 words and decreases in price as you buy in bulk. There are other base starting packages, but what we can guarantee, is that if you want to buy unique articles cheap, that are also of substance, there’s nowhere else but The Content Panel to buy from!

We specialize in more than just providing great content with your needs, requests, and SEO in mind; we also specialize in saving you money! How many other content writing services can boast that fact?

Do you offer suggestions for unique blog article topics for my blog?

Yes, in fact, we do! However, that is a feature of our Blog Management Plan, which you’ll have the chance to subscribe to at any point if you so choose! Prices can be viewed upon choosing a plan or making any purchase!

If you’re not a subscriber to our blog management services, but still hope to find some intriguing blog topic ideas, then go check out our blog, here at The Content Panel! Not only do we blog, but we regularly post about great up-to-date blog topic ideas that you’ll love! You may also find some other gems in there, worth taking a look at!

We are, after all, professionals!

Why should I hire a unique article copywriter?

After you take costs out of the equation, the reason to hire a professional writer with expertise in your particular industry is that the content they produce will be much more natural, and real in its presentation. You want the content to flow in such a way that your target audience will be comfortable with the writer, which will never happen when it’s being written by someone who is currently researching the industry they are currently writing on!

When a writer isn’t quite sure of what they’re talking about, or if perhaps they know just a bit about it, that little bit of uncertainty comes through every word and “bleeds on to the page.” Contrarily, when a writer is very familiar with the subject matter, or better yet, has real-world experience and expertise in that field; it still “bleeds through,” but with a type of captivating enthusiasm that isn’t found from a novice.

How do I tell your writers about the kind of article I want?

At the beginning of our interaction, you will be given a very simple assessment form to fill out, that entails exactly the type of questions that would need to be asked for your writers to know exactly what you’re requesting!

It’s part of what keeps us on the leading edge of this industry! With minimal contact between writers and clients, we mitigate a lot of possible delays, conflicts, and legal issues, while still providing perfect content that fits your needs!

If there are any possible questions you may have, or details that may have been missed that you feel are detrimental to the work being done, you can let us know, and we’ll have your content manager reach out to the writer directly! This way, you’re always able to add information if need be!

Why should I outsource unique article writing?

To save money, of course! You don’t have to worry about payroll, taxes, insurance, or any other obligatory costs that come with hiring an in-house writing team!

You also save in logistics, simply because with us you can afford teams of writers that comprise thousands of industries worth of expertise. A unique opportunity that includes the flexibility of being able to experiment with many styles, and tones while buying unique articles!

By comparison, imagine if you had our talent pool in your offices. Thousands of writers ranging in expertise from one possible extreme to the next! All of them expecting a salary and benefits… Just picture what that cost would be, then compare it to what we’re asking in terms of cost.

Add to that, the fact that we are not only a content writing agency, but we optimize all of the content we produce in terms of SEO, then we edit, cross-check, plagiarism check, and do this multiple times before you even see the content! It’s truly like having an entire writing team, armed with all the information you could ever need!

How do I tell your content writers specifics about what I want?

It all starts with Panel Brain matching you with the right writer, before giving the writer the answers to the questions we asked on the simple assessment form. These answers allow the writer to have a full grasp of what you’re trying to convey through their writing!

If such a rarity occurs that you may need to add details or give the writer any needed information that is critical to the work, that will be facilitated by your content management team.

As we mentioned before, you’ll be designated your very own content manager, who usually unbeknownst to you, will be handling all of the production on your content from behind the scenes. They will be your contact with the writers as well.

All it takes is a simple inquiry and we’ll pass the information along to the writer post haste!

Will I own the article, and will it be 100% original content?

Most importantly, yes; the content is yours as soon as you accept it, without question! All legal rights tying us to the content in question are null and void from the moment you claim the work as your own.

As far as originality is concerned, we have multiple ways of ensuring the originality of every piece of content we deliver. These “multiple ways” come in the form of numerous rigorous screens and checks, some manual, some automated, but all effective in determining the originality of your content!

Can I request work from specific writers?

That’s one of the great things about our process! From the time you are matched up with your first writers via Panel Brain and his excellent algorithmic matchmaking skills, you’ll have the chance to give every writer feedback.

It’s this feedback that Panel Brain will utilize to further continue finding the perfect writers for your specific needs! There is one feature of this feedback form that answers your question, it’s called the “Favorite Writer” option. By selecting this option, you’re telling Panel Brain that this is a writer that you consider to be top-notch!

Then every time you order content from us, you’ll fill out the form, per the usual, and Panel Brain will see to it that the information therein makes it to any writer you’ve deemed a “favorite.”

This is good for us because it ensures that you continue receiving great unique articles that you’ll love, from writers that you love, while simultaneously ensuring that our writers have jobs!