
Our Ultimate List: 101 Mortgage Blog Post Ideas

Blog Post Ideas

When it comes to mortgage blog topics, the sky’s the limit.

You can keep your topics local, and aim for the clientele that is in your direct area. You can discuss properties from the same country, or a property from every country on the map. Mortgage company blogs can allow you to discuss pros and cons on properties, rates, and trends. You can help sellers, you can give tips for buyers, or you can use your blog to advertise neighborhoods, HOAs, agents, your accolades, or any topic that you see fit.

The key is to write engaging content and to interact with your readers on a personal level so that they think of your mortgage company when they think of mortgages. Brand recognition is the name of the game…

The Top 50 Mortgage Blog Topics

  1. Discuss the local housing trends. Talk about the current property values and if they have increased or decreased. Discuss the reasons why they either decreased or increased and advise your new homeowners on things they can do to either push the property value up, or to hold the value of the property in a market where values are declining.
  1. Talk about the US Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Advise your potential clients on the resources that they have to help buyers and sellers understand mortgages and the mortgage process.
  1. Give your predictions on the housing market. Discuss why you think the values will increase or decrease in your area. Give predictions on which areas of your state that will have increased home values, and which areas of your state that will have decreasing home values over a set period of time.
  1. Give your predictions on the direction of mortgage rates in the next thirty days. Provide a brief snapshot of what you think the change in rates will be and why it is that you believe so.
  1. Give your predictions on the direction of mortgage rates in the next ninety days. Provide a brief snapshot of what you think the change in rates will be and why it is that you believe so.

  1. Give your predictions on the direction of mortgage rates in the next 180 days. Provide a brief snapshot of what you think the change in rates will be and why it is that you believe so.
  1. Talk about your accolades and awards. Discuss any recognitions that you have received, and why you feel that this makes you more qualified than other mortgage companies to help your client buy or sell a home.
  1. Give property staging tips that sellers can use. Discuss the prime staging techniques that help to sell a home quickly. Give both cheap and expensive solutions to staging.
  1. Talk about area activities for kids. Discuss after school sports or activities, and any school programs that help provide daycare for working parents.
  1. Discuss the local sports teams and their arenas. Discuss any recent wins they have had and what attendance at the games is like.
  1. Discuss the local schools and give their grades. Discuss why you have schools with a high grade, or why the schools in your area have a less than passing grade. Also, list any options other than public school in your area, and what the costs of the local private academies are.
  1. Promote a particular neighborhood and discuss why it is blog worthy. Talk about the neighborhood amenities, if they have an HOA, if it is family friendly, if it is a 55 and older community, how they view pets, and any other topics of discussion that a potential resident may have questions about.
  1. Discuss the pros of moving into a neighborhood with an HOA. Discuss the points of the HOA that aid the resident in having a clean neighborhood that isn’t overrun with noise and eyesores.
  1. Discuss the cons of moving into a neighborhood with an HOA. Discuss the fees and restrictions that are imposed upon the neighborhood residents, and the penalties that are imposed by the HOA if a resident is found to be in violation of any of the HOA bylaws.
  1. Start a seller’s corner, with tips to help sellers in the home selling process. Give tips on how to find a real estate agent to list with, any upgrades that will help the home to sell quickly, and what to do if the home doesn’t sell quickly in the market.
  1. Start a buyer’s corner, with tips to help buyers in the home buying process. Talk about what a potential homebuyer should do to prepare themselves financially to buy a home. Discuss how to find a real estate agent, how to get a mortgage pre approval, and the size home that they should look for that will fit their family size.
  1. Discuss the local job opportunities. Discuss any unemployment rate, which industries are booming and which industries are in hiring freezes.
  1. List the local parks, beaches, and theme parks. Give the grand tour of all of the hangouts and party places that your area has to offer. Explain to potential new residents what a typical weekend is like in the area, and what about your location makes it a great place to consider moving to.
  1. Give renovation tips for sellers. Discuss which renovation projects will help a home to sell more quickly. Discuss any renovation projects that should not be invested in once a homeowner has decided to sell the property.

  1. Give renovation tips for buyers. Discuss which renovation projects that a buyer should not purchase a home without. Discuss any renovation projects that can be negotiated into the sale of the home.
  1. Give decorating tips for buyers. Discuss which decorating tips will help them to fall in love with their new home, and which they will probably quickly regret. Discuss how a new home buyer can decorate for timeless looks, and which are niche or passing fads that will result in the need or desire to redecorate quickly.
  1. Give decorating tips for sellers. Discuss which decorating tips will help them to sell the home quickly, and which can actually cause the home to sit on the market. Discuss how the seller should stick with renovation projects that keep the home with a timeless look, and which are niche or passing fads which may actually cause the home to sit unsold for any length of time.
  1. Talk about how you stay current on mortgage news. Do you take continuing education courses to stay on top of the mortgage laws and changes that could affect your clients? What other methods do you use to ensure that you are always giving first rate information to the clients of your mortgage company?
  1. What new technology is having an effect the mortgage world? Are any property management or inspection software suites beneficial to your business? Are any property management or inspection software suites detrimental to your business?
  1. Interview your recent buyers. Discuss with your buyer what some of their complaints are about the mortgage process. Discuss with your buyer what some of their favorite parts of the mortgage process was.
  1. Interview your recent sellers. Discuss with your seller what some of their complaints are about the sales process. Discuss with your seller what some of their favorite parts of the home sales process are.
  1. What areas for pets does your city have to offer? Does your city have a dog park? Are there many vet services? Does your city have mobile grooming services? Does your city have pet sitting services?
  1. Start a testimonial corner for your clients. Ask your clients to share their home buying or selling story, and discuss how your company assisted them in their process of buying or selling.
  1. Start an FAQ corner for questions to be asked, and you answer for your readers. Ask your readers to send in their questions, and reply to them in the FAQ corner.
  1. Discuss your newest listings. Discuss what is unique about your new listings, and which listings you would select for yourself if you were in the market to purchase a home. What are the qualities about the listings that you love, and what qualities would you change if you could?
  1. Discuss your most expensive listings. What makes these properties so expensive? Is it the size of the property? Is it the neighborhood that the home is located in? What can drive the price of a property up even in a bad housing market?
  1. Provide a relocation guide. What processes should the mover follow in order to ensure that they are fully prepared to relocate to their new home?
  1. Provide an online resource listing. Discuss the government agencies that can help them to obtain a mortgage, how they can purchase homeowners insurance, home inspection agencies, and mortgage companies that would best suit their financial situations.
  1. Discuss property taxes and how they are figured. Discuss the penalties for late property taxes. Can the county seize the property for non-payment of property taxes? Is the mortgage company responsible for paying overdue property taxes? Can a mortgage lapse because of non payment of property taxes?
  1. Discuss the pros of buying new construction homes. Are new construction homes more expensive than homes that have previously been lived in? Why would a homebuyer want a new construction home versus a home that has been lived in, but can be customized to their liking much like a new construction home. What are the differences in price when it comes to new construction homes versus previously lived in homes on the market? Is the price difference substantial?
  1. Discuss the cons of buying new construction homes. Are the costs higher for newly constructed homes? Are you able to decide on all of the features of a newly constructed home or are custom builds more expensive? Can you mortgage custom builds or are they cash pay only?
  1. Explain the different types of mortgages. Explain the government mortgages that are available, and who can qualify for them. What types of independent mortgages can be obtained to buy a home?
  1. Explain the current mortgage rates. What do the current mortgage rates mean for prospective home buyers? What do the current mortgage rates mean for prospective sellers in the market?
  1. Give tips on how your readers can get a mortgage. What can prospective buyers do to ensure that mortgage rates for them are comparable to industry standard at the time? What government programs can help your prospective buyers get a mortgage so that they can become homeowners?

  1. Provide advice for first time sellers. Where can a first time seller go for a guide to the home selling process? What are the tips that you would provide to yourself as a first time home seller?
  1. Provide advice for first time buyers. Where should a first time home buyer go for a guide to the home buying process? What are the tips that you would provide to yourself as a first time home buyer?
  1. Explain the history of a neighborhood you have listings in. When was the neighborhood established? Does it still have the same name? Are any of the original residents still residing there? Is it still a family neighborhood? Are most of the homes owned or rented in the neighborhood?
  1. Explain how to best qualify for a home loan. What can a home buyer do to ensure that they get a good rate of interest on their mortgage? What will possibly disqualify the homebuyer from getting a home loan? How can a home buyer take steps to guarantee that they will get the amount that they are asking for in a home loan?
  1. Provide a change of address checklist. What should the moving party do to ensure that all of the concerned parties are contacted with the new address? Is this something that the post office handles, or do they have to contact the individual parties themselves?
  1. Discuss refinancing and when it is a good idea to do so. When is it a good idea to refinance? How much of a rate improvement should you receive when you refinance the loan on your home?
  1. Provide landscaping tips for home buyers. Should you request any landscaping upgrades be negotiated into the purchase price of the home? Is landscaping a home upgrade that can wait for a certain period of time after the purchase of the home?
  1. Provide landscaping tips for home sellers. Should you perform any landscaping upgrades prior to placing your home on the market? What are the benefits to performing landscaping upgrades prior to placing your home on the market?
  1. Discuss the benefit of having open houses. Who do open houses benefit? What should you do to prepare your home for an open house? Who typically attends open houses? Do open houses help to sell homes more quickly?
  1. Explain the loan pre approval process. Does a loan pre-approval amount guarantee that you can get a mortgage for that amount? What does receiving a pre-approval mean in the process of buying a home?
  1. Explain the benefits of having a home inspection performed. What does a home inspection mean in the mortgage process? Does a home that fails an inspection have the ability to be mortgaged? Does a home that fails the inspection process have mandatory repairs that must be performed before it can be sold?

50 More Mortgage Blog Topics

  1. Explain the foreclosure process and the general timelines involved.
  2. Explain how the county assesses property taxes and what guidelines home buyers need to follow for homestead exemptions.
  3. Explain how to find tenants for a newly purchased property.
  4. Describe the home rehab process for buyers.
  5. Describe the home rehab process for sellers.
  6. Explain what a short sale is and the instances when short sales take place.
  7. Answer readers FAQs regarding selling their homes.
  8. Answer readers FAQs regarding buying a home.
  9. Provide tips for moving when pets are involved.
  10. Provide tips for moving when kids are involved.
  11. Review a list of local agents and rate their services on an A through F grade scale.
  12. Review a list of local mortgage brokers and rate their services on an A through F grade scale.
  13. Discuss for sale by owner pros.
  14. Discuss for sale by owner cons.
  15. Give advice on how to go about buying historic homes.
  16. Provide tips for buying condo units, and how certain mortgage lenders will not provide mortgages to purchase condos unless they meet certain criteria.
  17. Discuss the pros of buying a property with a pool.
  18. Discuss the cons of buying a property with a pool.
  19. Tips to help buyers qualify for a new home loan.
  20. Tips to help buyers qualify for a refinance.

  1. Discuss homes with unique features and how they can affect the sale of the home.
  2. Explain title insurance and why it is necessary.
  3. Explain escrow and what the account means to the homeowner.
  4. Provide moving tips for homebuyers that are relocating to a new state.
  5. Discuss the best current mortgage rates and why they are positive or negative in today’s housing market.
  6. Discuss the real estate agent specialties and if homebuyers need to hire an agent that has a particular field that they specialize in.
  7. Provide staging tips for sellers.
  8. Provide staging tips for buyers.
  9. Discuss some of the pitfalls in decorating a home that you’re selling.
  10. Discuss some of the pitfalls in decorating a home that you’re buying.
  11. Discuss some of the pitfalls of landscaping a home that you’re selling.
  12. Discuss some of the pitfalls of landscaping a home that you’re buying.
  13. Discuss the local job opportunities for buyers that are new to the area.
  14. Discuss the way that you market your mortgage company to home buyers.
  15. Give renovating tips to home buyers.
  16. Give renovating tips to home sellers.
  17. Give your predictions on the next five years mortgage rates and housing market trends.
  18. Provide a change of address checklist for buyers moving to a new state.
  19. Provide a relocation resource corner for out of state buyers and sellers.
  20. Provide an online resource listing corner that your readers can add comments on. Ask for their opinions on the resources so that you can confirm you have the best resources out there for buyers and sellers.
  21. Talk about the history of a neighborhood where you recently had a mortgage.
  22. Talk about the most up and coming neighborhoods in your service area.
  23. Talk about the most up and coming real estate agents in your service area.
  24. Describe in detail the home buying process.
  25. Describe in detail the home selling process.
  26. Explain who can be preapproved for a home loan and what they can do to improve their chances of being pre approved.
  27. Explain the benefits of being a first time home buyer and the perks that first time buying affords you.
  28. Explain when a homeowner should take advantage of an opportunity to refinance their home loan.
  29. Explain when a homeowner should not take advantage of an opportunity to refinance their home loan.
  30. Write a welcome letter to your new mortgage holders and explain some of the awesome things about your city that they should check out.