Your blog is a great tool for driving traffic to your business, and July is a fantastic time to add more content to your website. Everyone is getting outside, celebrating holidays, and enjoying the heat of summer this month. Updating your blog regularly is important for keeping your customers engaged and coming back to your page often, but sometimes it can be hard to think of ideas on what to write about. That’s why we’ve put together this list of blog post ideas for your business in July.
Blog Post Ideas: July
- Announce an Independence Day Sale.
Entice your customers to purchase a new or old favorite product the weekend before this national holiday.
- Do a red-white-and-blue-themed post related to your business.
Decorate your office or workspace in national colors and have employees come into work dressed up. Take some photos and write a little blurb about the 4th of July.
- Weekly staff introductions.
Each Monday of July, introduce a new staff member and have them answer some fun questions.
- Summer roundup post.
Create a blog that talks about all the major happenings in your industry that took place in July. Give your perspective about each topic.
- Promote a summer webinar.
Create or host a webinar and offer it to your readers at a discount in July.
- National Kitten Day on the 10th.
Spread some adorableness on your blog by having your employees share photos of their cats when they were kittens on your blog. Ask your readers to post their kitten photos in the comments.
- Write a how-to post.
If there is a summer-related project that many people are doing this month in your industry, teach them how you would do it with a blog post.
- Get to Know Your Customers Day.
This national day falls on the third Thursday of each quarter, which is usually in July. Post a blog asking your readers to introduce themselves in the comments, then engage with each of them on your blog.
- Our Favorite July Products.
Talk about products in your industry that were released this month that you love. Tell your readers why you think they would love them, too.
- Celebrate National Postal Worker Day on July 1st.
With so many businesses operating online today, we wouldn’t be anywhere without our postal workers. Show them some appreciation on your blog.
- Address a common problem related to summer and your business.
Tell your audience how they can resolve the issue, including any products you think might help them.
- National Hire a Veteran Day on July 25th.
Tell your readers why they should hire a veteran for their own business, showcasing the skills veterans have brought to your business over the years.
- Make a post about the trends you’ve noticed for the month.
Talk about the trends and give your opinion on where you think they’ll go for the rest of the summer.
- Talk about summer stats in your industry.
Discuss each statistic with your readers and ask for their opinion on them.
- National Parent’s Day.
Throw some appreciation your parents’ way on the fourth Sunday of the month. Talk about how they have helped you grow your business.
- Post some recent customer testimonials.
Boost your credibility by posting some of the best testimonials you received during July.
- National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day on the 27th.
Interview a Korean War vet that you work with or have done business with before.
- Do a July giveaway.
Offer some freebies this month to your customers. Increase engagement by asking them to comment or subscribe to your blog to be entered into the prize pool.
- National Intern Day.
Show some appreciation for your interns on the last Thursday in July. Blog about how much value your interns have brought to your business.
- Introduce a new feature.
July is a great time to post about something new coming to your website or business. Introduce the feature in a blog post to generate some buzz.
- Do a July guest post.
Have an authoritative person in your industry post on your blog this month to add value to your website.
- Workaholic Day on July 5th.
Post about the hardest workers in your business or industry and show some appreciation for them.
- Friday the 13th.
If Friday falls on this unlucky day in July, post some good omens on your blog and offer any support to your readers that is relevant to your business.
- International Friendship Day on the 30th.
Post about your best friend in your industry. Talk about what makes them such a good work friend. Ask your readers to comment about what characteristics they look for in work friends.
- Post about summer events in your industry.
Tell your readers why they might benefit from checking each event out.
- National Cheesecake Day on the 30th.
Share a cheesecake with your employees and post about it on your blog. Ask your readers to comment about their favorite flavor of cheesecake.
- Post about how your business can help beat the heat.
Talk about any services or products you sell that might be especially useful when combating the heat of summer.
- All American Pet Photo Day on the 11th.
Round up photos of all your employees’ pets and post about them. Have your audience vote on their favorite photo.
- Write an open letter.
Make the subject matter of the letter related to July and what your business is doing this summer.
- Make a summer cheat sheet.
Tell your readers how they can succeed this summer with tips related to your industry.
20 More July Blog Post Ideas
- Do a comparison of two new summer products.
- Do a weekly series in July.
- Celebrate National Apple Turnover Day with your employees on the 5th.
- Post about big changes that are happening this summer.
- Talk about what the 4th of July means to your business.
- Celebrate National Macaroni Day on the 7th.
- Post about your favorite influencer in your industry this month.
- Celebrate National Sugar Cookie Day on the 9th.
- Create a special video blog for July.
- Take a summer poll of your readers.
- Talk about a recent news story in your industry this month.
- Celebrate French Fry Day on the 13th.
- Post a July case study.
- Post about common mistakes you see people in your industry making this month.
- Celebrate World Emoji Day on the 17th.
- Post an interactive quiz in July.
- Do a July FAQ.
- Celebrate Sour Candy Day on the 18th.
- Post a summer virtual tour of your office.
- Celebrate National Avocado Day on the 31st.