
Our Ultimate List: 101 HVAC Blog Post Ideas

Blog Post Ideas

The blog topics for air conditioning businesses listed here should help you get your own business blog started so that you can be interacting with your clients and increasing the traffic to your business’ site.

Some popular HVAC topics to discuss on your blog are:

  1. What are 3 ways that you can tell if your heater is energy efficient? Why would you use an energy efficient space heater versus turning on your home’s furnace?
  1. What are the different types of air conditioning filters for your home? How do you know what type of filter you should run in your home? What will happen if you don’t run the right type of air conditioning filter in your home?
  1. Should you have rigid metal or alumaflex ductwork installed in your home? What are the benefits to having rigid metal ductwork? What are the benefits to having alumaflex ductwork installed in your home? How do you know which is right for you?
  1. What can you expect when you have your HVAC unit replaced? How long will it typically take to have your HVAC unit replaced? Does your installer have to replace your ductwork when they replace your HVAC unit? Does your installer have to replace your thermostat when they replace your HVAC unit?
  1. How do you find your optimal sleep temperature? What do you do when your partner has an optimal sleep temperature that is five degrees higher than yours? What are the problems that occur when you aren’t sleeping at your optimal sleep temperature?
  1. What is a BTU? How do BTU’s relate to your HVAC unit? What should you know about BTU’s?
  1. What are 5 HVAC troubleshooting tips that every homeowner should know? Can the problem be with your thermostat? What about testing the power to the HVAC unit? How can you tell if it is a problem with the HVAC unit or if it is something else?
  1. What are 5 tips for better indoor air quality? How should people with pets take care of their HVAC systems in order to have better air quality? How should people who smoke take care of their HVAC systems in order to have better air quality?
  1. Why should you have an air quality test? What happens during an air quality test? Will you be given suggestions on how to have better indoor air quality after an air quality test?
  1. What is the level of humidity that should be present inside a house? Why do people use humidifiers in their home? What are the benefits to having humidity inside of your house?
  1. What are some mold remediation tips that can assist a homeowner when turning on their HVAC system after mold treatment? Does the HVAC system need to be replaced? Should the homeowner replace their air filter after mold treatment? How can the homeowner check to be sure that there are no mold spores inside their HVAC ductwork?
  1. What temperature should I have my AC set at? Should my base home temperature differ from the summer to the winter? What is the optimal comfortable temperature for a home? What is the optimal comfortable temperature for an office?
  1. Why is my furnace blowing cold air? Does this mean it’s time to replace my furnace? What should be done in order to get my furnace to blow hot air?

  1. 5 tips to minimize the strain on your HVAC system during the summer. What effect does opening and closing doors frequently have on your HVAC system? What effect does drafty windows have on your HVAC system? How much strain does it add to your HVAC system if you don’t change your air filters?
  1. Why is there a burning smell when I turn on your heat? Is something burning in your furnace system? How long will there be a burning smell? What can you do to get rid of the burning smell that your furnace is emitting?
  1. What are the average savings after installing a programmable thermostat? How does a programmable thermostat save you money in energy bills? How can you tell that it is time to install a programmable thermostat in your home?
  1. 5 tips for winterizing your home. Is all winterization on a home related to your HVAC system? Why should you winterize your home and ensure that your HVAC system is winterized?
  1. How can buying a new furnace save you money? How do you know when your furnace is costing you more money than a new unit would cost you? When should you begin to think about purchasing a new furnace?
  1. How can buying a new HVAC save you money? How do you know when your HVAC is costing you more money than a new unit would cost you? When should you begin to think about purchasing a new HVAC unit?
  1. 5 tips to preparing your HVAC for the summer months. What can you do to ensure that your HVAC is running at its optimal settings during the summer months? Can you prepare your HVAC system for the summer months by yourself, or should you have a professional HVAC service prepare your HVAC system for the summer months?
  1. How often should you be cleaning your air vents in your home? What will happen if you don’t clean the air vents inside your home on a regular basis? What are the benefits to cleaning the air vents inside your home on a regular basis?
  1. What should your refrigerant level be in your HVAC unit? What should you do if your refrigerant level is low in your HVAC unit? Can you fill your refrigerant by yourself in your HVAC unit? Should you call an HVAC company to fill your refrigerant in your HVAC unit?
  1. What is the history of the modern HVAC system? When did modern HVAC systems begin to be installed in the majority of homes in the US? Are there any areas of the US where HVAC systems are not commonly found on all homes?
  1. What is the history of the modern furnace? When did modern furnace systems begin to be installed in the majority of homes in the US? Are there any areas of the US where furnaces aren’t commonly found on all homes?
  1. When should you consider replacing the duct work in your home? What are some common problems that occur from ductwork that needs to be replaced? Are there any quick fixes that can help your ductwork last another month or two? Can ductwork be replaced in a DIY job? Should you have a professional HVAC company replace your ductwork, or can any general contractor install new ductwork?
  1. How can you get the best results from your new HVAC system? What will help you ensure you get the longest life out of your new HVAC system? What are some behaviors that will shave years off of the life of your new HVAC system?
  1. How can you get the best results from your new furnace? What will help you ensure that you get the longest life out of your new furnace? What are some behaviors that will shave years off of the life of your new furnace?

  1. Should you really have your HVAC system serviced every year? What are some problems that can occur if you don’t have your HVAC system serviced yearly? Can you perform the yearly service on your HVAC system yourself or do you need to have it done by an HVAC company?
  1. What are 3 ways you can tell if your window AC units are costing you more than a new HVAC unit would cost you? Are there benefits to running window AC units instead of installing a new HVAC unit? What are some low cost options to installing a new HVAC unit?
  1. How often should you clean your AC condenser coils? What will happen if you don’t regularly clean your AC condenser coils? Can you clean your AC condenser coils yourself or do you need to have a professional HVAC company clean your condenser coils?
  1. Is energy conservation more important than indoor air quality in your home? How much energy is really being used to maintain your indoor air quality? How do you find a balance between energy conservation and indoor air quality?
  1. What are the top 5 reported problems with residential furnaces? Are any of the top reported furnace problems simple enough that the average homeowner could repair them? Should you always have an HVAC tech repair problems with your furnace?
  1. What are the top 5 reported problems with residential HVAC systems? Are any of the top reported HVAC problems simple enough that the average homeowner could repair them? Should you always have an HVAC tech repair the problems with your HVAC system?
  1. What can you expect when you install new ductwork in your home? What are some of the immediate changes you will notice when you install new ductwork? What are some of the changes that will be noticed over time when you install new AC ductwork in your home?
  1. What are the 3 top reasons that you should purchase an HVAC maintenance contract? How much can the average homeowner hope to save when they purchase an HVAC maintenance contract? Does it matter who you purchase your HVAC contract from? What are some other benefits that you’ll receive from purchasing an HVAC maintenance contract?
  1. What is a thermostatic expansion valve? How does a thermostatic expansion valve relate to your home HVAC system? How can you tell if your thermostatic expansion valve has gone bad on your HVAC system?
  1. What are 6 major indicators that it is time to replace your HVAC system? Are all of these indications that you should immediately replace your HVAC system, or can some of these indicators mean you have another year or two before replacement is necessary? Which are indicators that can mean you still have time and which are indicators of an HVAC system that could quit tomorrow?
  1. How can you safely heat your home in the winter? What are the main unsafe heating scenarios that are spotted in homes by technicians? How common are fires started by unsafe heating devices?
  1. How can you save the most money on your heating and cooling bills without feeling uncomfortable in your home? Does changing the temperature on the thermostat multiple times per day drive up your heating and cooling costs? What are some other big reasons that your heating and cooling bills are unusually high?
  1. How does a humidifier help to combat dry winter air? Should everyone use a humidifier during the winter months to help combat the dry air? What are some effects on the body that can be caused by dry winter air?
  1. Does running a ceiling fan help to keep the room cooler? Should you run ceiling fans in every room in your house to help maintain a comfortable temperature? Do portable box fans help to maintain a cooler temperature in your home or are they simply pushing hot air around?

  1. How do ductless AC systems work? Do ductless AC systems really cool your home? How similar to window AC units are ductless AC systems?
  1. What is an AFUE and how does it relate to your furnace efficiency? What else contributes to the efficiency rating of your furnace?
  1. Should you have your furnace inspected by a professional every year? How often should you have your face serviced by a professional? Can you purchase a service contract for your furnace?
  1. What are the most common types of indoor air pollutants? How can you prevent common air pollutants from taking a toll on your HVAC system?
  1. What do UV air purifiers do in your home? Should every home run an air purifier to ensure good air quality?
  1. What are some HVAC technician horror stories from residential work? Have techs fallen through ceilings? Have techs found animals in attics?
  1. Will a ductless AC system save you money on your energy bill over window AC units? Will the savings be substantial enough to pay for the ductless AC unit?
  1. Will a space heater save you money on your energy bill over using your home’s furnace?
  1. Do you need to clean a space heater? Is it a fire hazard if you don’t regularly clean a space heater?

50 More HVAC Blog Post Ideas

Here are another 50 brief blog ideas for your HVAC company site:

  1. How to save money on your office heating bills.
  2. How to save money on your office cooling bills.
  3. What is the best air filter for an office HVAC system?
  4. What is a ductless AC system?
  5. What is a ductless heating system?
  6. When is it not practical to install an HVAC unit?
  7. When is it unnecessary to replace a furnace in a home?
  8. How much more do window units cost on your energy bill than an HVAC system?
  9. What are 3 ways you can tell if your HVAC unit is energy efficient?
  10. What gets replaced when you have an HVAC unit installed?

  1. What are the benefits to having a ductless system?
  2. How difficult is it to install new ductwork in a home?
  3. Can you really tell the difference in air quality when you replace your air filter?
  4. Why wouldn’t a homeowner want to replace their ductwork themselves?
  5. Why wouldn’t a homeowner want to service their furnace themselves?
  6. What is included in an HVAC service contract?
  7. How can you be sure that your HVAC company is being honest with you?
  8. How can you be sure that you’re getting the best price on your HVAC unit?
  9. Should you shop around when purchasing an HVAC maintenance contract?
  10. Should you use the same company for your HVAC maintenance and furnace maintenance?
  11. Should you replace your furnace with a ductless heating system?
  12. What are the top 5 energy zapping habits in the summer?
  13. What are the top 5 energy zapping habits in the winter?
  14. How can you tell if your ductwork is damaged?
  15. How do you know when your AC filter needs to be replaced?
  16. Do you ever need to replace the air vents in your home?
  17. How do air pollutants affect your breathing?
  18. Should you sleep with your windows open if you have allergies?
  19. Should you sleep with your windows open if you own animals?
  20. What can animal hair do to your AC filter?
  21. What is the optimal temperature to set your heat to in the winter?
  22. What is the most cost saving furnace on the market?
  23. Can space heaters be more energy efficient than using your home’s furnace?
  24. Do ceiling fans save you any money on energy bills?
  25. Does the placement of your thermostat matter?
  26. Can an old thermostat cost you money on your energy bill?
  27. Should you buy a WI-fi enabled thermostat?
  28. Should you buy a thermostat that can be controlled remotely?
  29. What are the questions to ask your HVAC tech after yearly service?
  30. What are the questions to ask your service tech after a furnace repair?
  31. What are the questions to ask an HVAC company before hiring them?
  32. Is one HVAC maintenance contract better than another?
  33. Does the brand of your HVAC unit matter?
  34. Does the type of ductwork matter in your energy bills?
  35. Will ceiling fans increase air pollutants?
  36. Will open windows increase indoor air pollutants?
  37. Are homes with pets breathing healthy air?
  38. Are smokers breathing healthy indoor air?
  39. What are the benefits of cleaning condenser coils?
  40. How can you tell if you have low refrigerant levels?